Policy, Protocol, Procedure, Process

These are most important items to GFPA staff and virtually make up all their duties at work and Not following gets staff into lot of problems including visit from soldier who will want to 'discuss' the issue since this is included in Induction Course called 'Journey to Altantis' that explains the unique corporate culture which is based on merit and respect

The Enterprise is excessively bureaucratic to point of making governments look quite lazy and full of holes while need heaps of infromation and literally thrive on smallest amount of legal detail with meticulous dedication plus claims GFPA is The Source of Your Lifestyle what we love more is micro managing everything to very high level of precision

Thus attempt to control what staff do with massive collection of laws, rules and regulations coupled to extensive surveillance program but if behave correctly and complete office tasks in effective manner the Enterprise will reward staff with bonus fun activities

The terms internal and external have particular meaning to the Enterprise since first (i) only staff get to see - as very transparent and open with free information flow in several corporate magazines issued at regular intervals while are limited by role profiles access to cross departmental documents is available to most staff and quite light on marketing and medium on technical. Only serious deep highly detailled publications that explain how everything works are under heavy lock status that few can view. There is just 1 strict rule about what happens in the office that is it is all Confidential and No one from outside can know about it even if proves to be fatal. Second (e) is public image which is well known and often criticize for being authoritarian and harsh with large slabs of hype and little substance that involved use of muscular men to suggest power and loyalty like our mascot and media contact Prince God (who was previously called Lord Battlefield).